After a two year covid induced hiatus we are so happy and excited to again be able to welcome interns to Sea Synergy and Waterville for the summer season! This year’s five interns will be helping us in everything we do and of course, writing the odd blog. So without further ado I’ll hand you over to Anna Kellagher.
Hi, my name is Anna and I have been interning with Sea Synergy for just over a month now and have been asked to write a blog post about my experience so far, but what to write about?
In my time here I have learned countless things, had many new experiences and opportunities and met a great number of wonderful people.
One of the best things about my time here is that there is never a dull day – from online talks on regenerative tourism, running seashore safaris, Stand Up Paddle Boarding instructor training, a call out to rescue a stranded Common Dolphin, Leave No Trace awareness courses, helping to deliver the Marine Institute’s Explorers program, training courses with the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group, changing tyres, rescuing cats out of trees, whale and dolphin effort watches to even herding sheep there is always something going on!!
However, one of the things that has left the greatest impression on me is the wide eyed wonder of the kids we take out on our seashore safaris. I have a great passion for the wildlife of Ireland’s coast, that began in my early childhood. Seeing my enthusiasm matched or even exceeded by the kids we work with is brilliant. Their constant questions, excitement and inquisitive nature reminds me of the joy I felt peering into rock pools as a child. The work Sea Synergy does on providing people and children in particular, the opportunity to interact with and learn about our local wildlife and our oceans is essential and I feel very lucky to be a part of it.
I am really looking forward to the summer as we will be running an even more diverse range of outdoor activities both in and on the water and one thing I can be sure of is that the coming weeks will be filled with many wonderful new experiences!